archatlas: tom.as.88

What a Marvelous day it is.
“I have created a finished piece of the view of the world as it is in the buddhist Rokudourinne (endless circle of transmigration in the posthumous six worlds), that is confined in the insides of whales, made out of see-through resin. When I was creating this piece, I was consulting a priest of the Zoujou-ji temple and decided on all the details of the concept. Whales can roam freely in the ocean, but if they get too close to land, they end up stranded and die. I have created these six whales, that enclose these six worlds – the Nakara (hell) realm (submarine volcano), the preta (hungry ghost) realm (bones of a polar bear), the animal realm (prison), the Asura realm (cherry blossoms and skulls), the human realm (a shipwreck) and the deva realm (sea of clouds), as a comparison to the vessel of a soul, that cannot escape from the samsara/endless cycle of life and death by its own power.”
Probably a bad translatation but.
Maurice Jaubert de Becque (French, 1878-1938)
Tiger Study for “The Book of the Jungle”, N/D
Ink drawing and watercolor, 20 x 14 cm