70sscifiart: Dan McPharlin, “Fragments of a Short-Lived…

What a Marvelous day it is.
Atmospheric Apocalyptic Digital Art from Alex Andreyev
Hello, my name is Alex Andreyev. I’m an artist living in Saint –
Petersburg. I’ve been drawing, painting and doing graphic design over
last 20 years. My last project is an animated film “Koo! Kin-Dza-Dza”
(senior concept artist), the winner of the Asia Pacific Screen Awards
2013 (best animated film).
You can buy all my pictures in a high resolution for print on my site – alexandreev.com/
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Posted by Andrew
Quiet and gentle the evening becomes.
Miles plays- the dryer hums.
With my belly full of warm ginger tea,
Oh how marvelous it is
to just be me.
Mejor fabricarse tu propio mundo. ////////// It is better to create your own world. http://ift.tt/2hxr7Fa
(UPD: if yopu didn`t see this film please scroll this post. It has SPOILER!)
Yesterday I went on the new Blade Runner. If to say about emotions it`s like with new GITS. The visual effects are on the top, i`ll strongly cry if he will not get Oscar for visual. But the scenario has any small troubles. Through the film the
incompleteness presents there. I think it`s a hint on the continuation. Well, we`ll wait Blade Runner 2088 with old Gosling and Ford-skeleton.
However, the film is worthy on attention. But I can say, that you`ll not get the old atmosphere of Blade Runner.
And, what do you think, guys ?