drxgonfly: Fog (by Bess Hamiti)

What a Marvelous day it is.
This is truly incredible.
This really puts into perspective how delicate the ecosystem is.
Or rather, how dependent certain ecosystems are on the presence of keystone species.
This is cool but those were definitely elk, not deer.
When you’re dead inside™ and prefer to hang out with the spirits of the dead on your vacation
“A Centaur in Disguise” by Michelle Tolo
This is the most precious Centaur art I’ve ever seen.
What really makes it is the fact that the dude and the horse are both going “something here ain’t right…”
And I could see any hard core horse riding enthusiast going “What are you doing!? That’s not how you ride!”
I guess he’s trying to blend in and not be the
centaur of attention